As great as Summer in the the city can be, I tend to leave the hustle and the bustle on the weekends and head up to my parents’ house. We only have so many nice warm months here in Canada and I need to take full advantage of them, so that when January rolls around and my eyelids are frozen open I can remember why I live here.
Summer mornings are spent sipping coffee and eating fresh muffins on the back porch.
Afternoons are spent walking down the hill in the backyard to read a book on the dock.
I don’t care how great it is to have nightlife and culture in the city…it just doesn’t equate to this.
In two seconds we’re off down the river in our own version of the River Queen.
A boat ride on a Saturday wouldn’t be complete without BBQ’d hot dogs with mustard and Cheese Whiz, and on gingham napkins to boot. (Is there really any other way?)
For the lazy ride that we take down the river to the lake, I like to just lay on the back swim deck and watch the world go by.
As a kid, we would go out in row boats, canoes and paddle boats, pretending this was our Amazon River, with treasure hidden under the water.
We always see a variety of wildlife such as turtles, fish, Canadian geese, the occasional beaver or muskrat, and these beautiful Blue Herons.
Most of the time they are standing perfectly still, but every once and a while they take flight and silently glide over the water.
This, my friends, is why I don’t like staying the city of weekends during the Summer. I’d never get to see this in downtown Toronto.