Today is Monday, and that inevitably means that by midday I’m drained. The blues start to kick in, and not even a quick chocolate break can snap me out of it.
Don’t you ever days like that? If Whiskey didn’t need to be taken outside, and I didn’t have to go to open up the office, I could have quite easily bunkered down for the day under the covers.
Maybe it is hibernation starting to kick in, or even my body’s way of telling me to get more sleep (which is hard to do when there are episodes of Glee still on my PVR waiting to be watched.)
I think that bears have the right idea. Eat an incredible amount of food, find a nice cave, and sleep for 6 months. Maybe pop out for Christmas and New Years, but then right back in that cave until we can at least get away without wearing a parka.
I love snow, and the whole winter wonderland thing, but its the waking up while its still dark and staying awake when it starts to get dark at 5pm that gets to me. I think that for Christmas this year I’m going to ask for one of those S.A.D. machines that creates artificial light, and counteract the loss of Vitamin D. Maybe its my Vitamin D that’s down.
That’s it…its the Vitamin D. Couldn’t possibly be that I just stay up too late.
Tomorrow will be better. Why? Because its Tuesday, and thankfully Tuesday is not Monday.
Aww… Sorry to hear you weren’t feeling 100%…
Here is a Video that will hopefully help! =)