Where can I start with Christmas Sweaters? They are gaudy, tacky and garish. Even the most fit people look like frumpy blobs of red and green. They are obnoxiously bright, and usually with some large holiday-theme image on the front. Maybe even throw in a little metallic thread and some battery operated lights. But then there is something fantastic about them at the same time. The unabashed Christmas spirit. They overdo in such an innocent and festive way (like Clark Griswald’s lights in Christmas Vacation) it may be too much, but you still want to smile when you see it.

In the Christmas sweater tradition, my mother picked up this little number for Whiskey the other day for $7. He of course got super excited, because he loves sweaters….they mean warmth and walks.

And also in true holiday fashion, he had too much excitement and had to take a nap. Or maybe he is just closing his eyes so that he doesn’t have to see the sweater.
Do you have any beloved Christmas sweaters hiding in your closet?
While I don’t have any Christmas sweaters on my own, I love checking out the gaudy ones at Ragstock. Too funny!
I had a terrible Hallween sweater for about 11 years, but donated it to the mission this year because I usually ended up wearing it all winter long :/
I will def. introduce the tackiest of tacky holiday attire when I start working with the kids full time!
Colin Firth can even rock a Christmas sweater – that’s amazing.
No scary sweaters currently hiding in my closet, but I’m afraid there’s probably some photographic evidence of previous discretions. I blame it on my mom.
Stopping by from SiTS!
That’s what’s so much fun about holiday sweaters. They’re not supposed to be really nice looking, they’re supposed to be tacky. Love them.