I woke up Saturday morning and my beloved Samsung cell phone looked like this…

The screen had these crazy lines all down it which meant I couldn’t see anything to make a phone call or send a text message. I loved this phone like no other. We’d been through so much together! How could it leave me in the lurch?

I knew that I had to replace it on Monday before I went into communication withdrawal. But when I got to the store I never thought I’d come out with one of these. Thats right, I gave in to the temptation and got myself a Blackberry. It hard to believe that for years I never even had a cell phone. I avoided getting one all through university for fear of being accessible all the time. I loved the freedom, but then when I started working in Toronto I had to get one out of necessity. Before I knew it I was hooked and now 2 1/2 years later I’ve kicked it into full gear. I’m now a certified Blackberry junkie.

It only been four days, but I’ve already started a hot affair with this amazing device. It is synced with my contacts, calender and tasks from my iMac. The organization freak within me is in ecstasy. Plus I can load up some photos of friends and family without having to squint at the little screen. I even have my Christmas shopping list in there instead of carrying around my worn out leather organizer around everywhere. Oh the joy of a lighter purse!
Does anyone else have a blackberry? Any fun applications or tricks that you’ve learned? I found the Sudoku in the Game section and if I thought my addiction for the paper version was bad before this has pretty much ended my life as I know it.
I don’t have one yet – but I fear as though I may give-in to my temptations before long…or at least wait until I am ready for an upgrade a la Verizon in March!!
I have an iPhone, and its like an addiction…I left it at work one night, and was miserable the whole evening! lol
I totally sympathize with you, Honey B. I left my cell at my work one night and it was like I’d been shut off from the world.
And it was a toss up between the iPhone and the Blackberry. Why can’t I just have both? lol
And Working Mom, I was soooo glad that I was just past the mark to do an upgrade. Can’t imagine buying a new phone for a plan you already have. Its so expensive.
I have a Blackberry for work…and I love it!
Nice Blog!