Last week, for the first time in almost three years, I got back in the water. Instead of grabbing something to eat on my lunch break I headed over to a local pool and swam lengths.
I forgot how amazing it felt to be in the water. I don’t run, so I don’t know if this is like runner’s high, but thats what it sure felt like. Short of being chased by a tiger, I never have any inclination to run. I may lightly jog through the park, but there is no marathon in my future. I’ve been a swimmer my whole life, and I’m happy to stay in the water. Ironically I’ve grown up by a lake my whole life and don’t like open water, so I guess really I’m happy to just be a little goldfish in my bowl/pool.
Originally I thought that I would just swim lengths until I got tired, but then I noticed a little sign on the wall listing the distancing of the pool, and on a whim I decided to see if I could swim for a mile. Then a km. And before I knew it I’d done 2km. I stopped shortly after that because my foot was cramping and my arms were sore and I still had to make it back to the office and complete a half day’s work, but that feeling of having accomplished something (even that inconsequential) was enough to brighten my day.
Now I’m looking forward to getting back in the water again next week, just losing myself in the sound of the water rushing by with each stroke. Is there anything that you do in your life that has that affect – being both calming and invigorating at once?
Good for you!! I used to swim all the time, but now can’t find the time! The babe starts swim lessons in a month or so – so that should be a little fun for me.