This post was supposed to go up hours ago, but the computer that I am using today has Microsoft Vista on it and keeps crashing. Gah! This is why I use a Mac!
So, anyhoo….this weekend I was lucky enough to score tickets to go see Kevin Smith live at Roy Thompson Hall here in Toronto. For the past five years, Kevin has been coming up to our city every year to do an informal Q&A session with fans and it is phenomenal.
Kevin has the ability to take a simple question and quickly turn it into an engaging (sometimes disturbing) story. My sides were literally in stitches I was laughing so hard, but its not the type of thing I’d take my mother to, if you catch my drift. My good friend, Justin (who I went to film school with!) came with me and we made a whole night of it, starting off with a Winterlicious reservation at Riva Supper Lounge on College Street. Soooo good.
The event was set in the gigantic Roy Thompson Hall and quickly filled up with people from all walks of life.
One woman came to the show with her ex-husband and current boyfriend, and made Kevin so interested in her awkard situation that he let her come up on stage for a few facebook worthy photos.
Photo Credit : E. Platero (Images 1, 5-9)
Wow, this is awesome!
by the way i SWEAR i just saw Jay’s doppleganger at the store! LOL