Once the whole gang made it to Florida we decided to head over to Daytona Beach on the Sunday…which just happened to be Bike Week as well.

I’ve never seen so many bikes in my life! Suddenly I wanted one…really badly….but without all the risk of injury to myself, other people or property.

Derail, me and Rob watching the bikes drive down the strip. I didn’t exactly blend in with my baby blue polo and black capris. I was severely lacking in the bandana, leather and skull ‘n’ cross bones department.

The Naked Cowboy even made the trip from NYC!

I think that this woman is really pushing it bringing a little pink scooter to Bike Week.

We ended up going into this little tent bar along the way. I’ll be posting more pictures on this later tonight. Oh boy they are hilarious.

This Great Dane came prepared for the occasion, complete with googles.

Fist Pump!

Rob holding a tray of Jager shots.

We ran into this woman walking down the street with an albino python.

Rob was the last person to get to hold the snake before the cops came and told them to take it away.

We went down to the pier to see the beach.

Our vacation mama, Marg!

Don’t these two look so cute together…

…but their affection is shortlived

Derail dropped his ice cream scoop and then picked up and put it back on his cone (there may or may not have been alcohol involved at this point). Then he repeated it…TWICE! The third time I made him leave it so I could take a picture. I think it was above and beyond the “10 second” rule.
I’ll post more pictures from the Doghouse later tonight, and more tomorrow.
Hope you’re all having a great weekend 🙂