While I’ve been bouncing all around the place with work, weddings, trips, etc. Whiskey has been enjoying an early Summer vacation up at my parents’ place.
My brother’s friend from Colorado is staying with us for awhile, which means that Whiskey gets daily belly rubs…
…okay, maybe more like hourly belly rubs.
But how can you deny a cute face like this a little scratch behind the ears?
He is also getting plenty of naps on the back swing with my sister. Poor girl is working two jobs this summer, so when she is home, she crashes…but thankfully there is a little mutt who is happy to join her…even if she doesn’t want him to.
And of course he gets plenty of opportunity to practice his “watch dog skills” against cats, squirrels, birds, other dogs, bugs, leaves, pieces of fluffy, anything that moves, etc.
His is the epitome of a small dog trapped in a big dog body. Napoleon Complex?
But at the end of the day he is just happy to curl up on my legs and fall asleep. Which sounds cute and all, but you have to remember that it is Summer and it gets too hot to have a dog/hot water bottle laying on you all night.
So then he gets up and helps himself to some of the water in my glass. Just caught him doing it this week, and now I’m wondering how long this has been a habit. Gross. Guess who is buying a sippy cup now?