With all this talk about the Holidays yesterday, I decided to update the old blog and get it ready for the season. It was time to change the format around a little bit, update the colours and just spruce everything up! I also added some new features:
Holidays 2010
One place where you can view all the Holiday posts from this year and last year with ease. As I add more posts throughout the season, I’ll be updating that page with quick links.
About Me
It seemed about time to have a place to formally introduce myself to new followers and reacquaint myself with all my loyal readers. Plus, Whiskey wanted his picture up too, which I had to obliged. I mean, come on, he’s so cute, how could I resist?
Coming Up on SHBS
There are so many times when I have a new recipe or project coming up and I want to tell you about it, but I can’t find the right space. Well, now I have it! I’m looking forward to being able to tell you about all the fun Holiday posts that I’ve got lined up. See, I told you I was getting the Holiday itch already. (Too early for a tree?)
I’m sure that this will continue to evolve and grow over time, but for right now I’m happy with the changes.
You have been quite productive! Looks great.