Every morning I try to remember to make my bed so that it is nice and neat for when I get home. But sometimes I have a problem getting out all of the “lumps”.
See this little bump?
No matter how I move it around, I can’t seem to get it out of the bed. After some poking, prodding and the promise of “treats”, the “lump” finally emerged….
It was none other than my super lazy pup, Whiskey. It gets harder and harder to get him out of bed in the winter.
For a dog that spends his whole day sleeping at the office, you would think he wouldn’t have so much trouble getting up in the morning.
Look at that “bedhead”. He usually has perky ears, but you can always tell when he has been sleeping under covers when you see these floppy little things.
I can guarantee you that the second that I walk out of the room, he’ll be back under the covers. Wish I could join him!
lol my dog does the exact same thing. Every morning I take her for a pee and she goes right back to bed after, usually under the covers. Around 10:30, she decides to stroll out into the living room haha Wouldn’t it be nice to be a dog for a day?
Whiskey, you are so darn cute! I don’t blame him for being a snuggle pup under the covers. Too cute!