Before I went camping last weekend, there was plenty of discussion amongst the group over what we needed to bring for food. We would be cooking over a fire for most of it, so we had to stick to easy to cook foods, while staying away from processed foods. We’re talking real meat, potatoes and veggies – I couldn’t wait.

Earlier in the week, I made a big batch of my Chicken Kebabs to take with us. I let them marinade in the fridge for a few hours and then popped them into the freezer until I was ready to pack the cooler. They stayed nice and cool in the cooler until we were ready to cook them. On the side, I chopped up mushrooms, red onion, zucchini and green pepper to grill in a metal grill basket.

The kebabs were the perfect finger food to eat fresh off the grill. I’ll definitely be taking these again camping.

Other campsites in our group were cooking some similar dishes such as grilled eggplant and steaks. Yum 🙂

There was also ALOT of picanha being made, which is a Brazilian cut of beef that is super delicious. Usually you grill it and add cheese on top, but my friend here was getting all fancy on us and did a cheese stuffed version. Delish!

Brunch most mornings was a big fry up of peameal bacon (Canadian bacon), scrambled eggs, beans and toast. I was usually up way earlier than that so I’d have an apple and come cereal while reading on the rocks : )What are some of your favorite foods to take camping?There were also many s’mores (and burnt marshmallows) consumed during the trip. Whatever it is about that great chocolate, graham cracker and marshmallow combination, I’m hooked. I have seriously been craving them all week. You’d think I’d had my fair share on the weekend. It looks like I may need to do another bonfire this weekend.
Definitely a traditionalist with spider dogs and hamburgers! The only time we’ve ever brought chicken or other types of meat is when we’re in a cottage. Otherwise, the basics and fruit it is.
I am so jealous that you get to cook over a fire! We are on strict fire restrictions here, and all our camp cooking has to be over a stove. We try to be creative, though. Last week we had hot dog sandwiches with Swiss cheese, frozen pizza and steak tacos.