Thank goodness its Friday! Its been a crazy week and I’ve neglected the blog a bit (as well as family and friends) as I get use to my NEW JOB!
Yep, thats right, I started a new job in a different area of the city. There has been lots of new information to learn and I think my brain is in overload. I get home every night and crash on the couch, but hopefully it will get better as it goes along.
There are so many new changes with this new job, like now I actually have to dress up a bit (goodbye jeans, t-shirt and sneakers!) and I’m driving as well. Its actually nice to not have to deal with crazy people on the bus everyday and I get to blast my country music. I’m still getting used to getting up at 5:45 am, but its nice to get home earlier in the afternoon too.
Garrett has been such a trooper in the mornings, helping me get into my new routine by making breakfast every day and taking care of the dogs.
Speaking of the dogs, they had a little trouble getting up so early every morning, but now they’re starting to get used to it. This morning they woke up at 5:44 am just a minute before the alarm. I guess they’re learning!
I’m so happy that it is the weekend soon though. I need the break, the sleep and a chance to get caught up. I’ve got quite the mountain of laundry piling up and I want to work on some fun blog posts for next week. I’ve got the itch to bake over the weekend and I’m torn between chocolate, pumpkin or apple. Oh the possibilites!
yay new job! hope it is going well!