Last night I had a chiropractor appointment in Yorkville, the upscale district of Toronto and after a killer drive into the city (why did I go in during rush hour?!?!?) I decided to take some time walking around the area before I braved the roads again.
I had hoped I’d get to pop into one of my favourite shops, Teatro Verde, but alas they closed at 6pm. I thought only stores in my hometown did that. Never expected it at a big decor store downtown. Especially when the streets were bustling with people out enjoying the summer-like weather we’re having here.
I did end up finding another store that I had completely forgotten was in Toronto now – Anthropologie! I usually pop into one if I see them in the States and scope out all the great ideas they have.
As soon as I walked in the door, I was instantly bombarded with colours and patterns – and I loved it. I’ll warn you that this whole post is just pictures of pretty things. And I know that Anthropologie carries clothes too, but I tend to just walk right past them to the kitchen, bath and decor. Although I am occasionally drawn into some of the beautiful patterns and delicate fabrics.
But who wants to look at cardigans, when you can admire colouful bowls like this? I tend to decorate in neutrals and when I’m in a store like this I start wishing I incorporated more colour into my decor.
I loved these vintagey towels and would have gladly taken one home if they weren’t so expensive. Sometimes it sucks being an adult and having priorities and responsibilities…like rent.
At first I was struck by the beautiful retro bee plate, but take a look at the turquoise bowl on the right. Is that a chameleon? If I saw that nestled in with someone’s fine china, I’d crack up. Gotta love a little of the unexpected.
No more egg timer around here, anymore – I want one of these. Actually I just want the bin that they came in. Love the blue chippy paint.
I’m not much of a coffee person, but I could definitely see myself having my favourite peppermint tea in one of these. The shape reminds me of the mugs my pottery-making aunt creates. Textured and beautifully shaped.
I could spend hours going through all the amazing handles and knobs that they have here, especially these bubbled glass ones. Maybe I need to redo my dresser 🙂
See what I mean about this island? I don’t know if I’d want it in a kitchen though (looks a bit gungy), but it would look great in a craft room. Plenty of room to work on projects, with a couple of stools pulled up on one side and wire baskets of colourful fabric below.
Cookbooks. I need to work on reading the ones I already have, but I love the title of the one on the right – “Cheesemongers” (def. – A person dealing in cheese). That’s what Whiskey would like to be. You say the word “cheese” or make any move towards the grater and he’s by your side before you have even started grated.
A big comfy and fluffy bed. After my hectic drive into the city, I would have been quite happy to plunk myself down on this one….but I don’t think the sales associates would have appreciated that.
I wish I’d seen these lettered hooks before I started on the ones for our bathroom. They would have been perfect on the wall for hanging towels.
That was my quick trip in Anthropologie last night to gawk at all things beautiful. Someday, if I win the lottery, I’ll buy the whole place out, but for now I’ll admire from afar and hunt down my own ways to incorporate more colour into my decor. Lots of inspired ideas floating around in my head now!
Surprised I didn’t run into you there! After dinner, me and Dylan took Chloe for a walk to get some ice cream at Summer’s on Yorkville Ave. And we had coffee at Zaza in the morning just beside where the red car is in the first picture 🙂
That would have been hilarious if we’d bumped into each other. What a coincidence! Next time I’m in the area, I’ll let you know and maybe we can take Chloe and Whiskey for a walk 🙂