You may have notice that I only posted once in the past 10 days. I wish that I could say that it was because I went on some really awesome trip to Hawaii or something, but unfortunately that is not the case.
Instead I got sucked into a 60+ hour crazy work week that involved an incredible amount of prep the week before. I’ve been so busy that I haven’t even cooked in 10 days!!! (We lived off freezer finds, catering leftovers from work and a couple of dinners at family’s homes).
The one post that I did do was on the Botanical Prints I put up in the bedroom. It wasn’t until I hit publish that I realized that the pictures were uneven in the photo. Oops. Better some pictures than nothing, right?
I would have loved to have taken some new photos, but unfortunately I’ve been leaving the house in the dark in the morning (when did this happen?!?!) and by the time I get home there is barely any light left in our dark little bedroom.
How did you get that Pottery Barn Catalogue in Canada?? Answers! I demand answers!! 🙂