We had a great Labour Day weekend, wrapping up what has been a busy summer. I wish it had been longer, to give us more time to do all the things we would have liked to, but I have to admit that I look forward to the Fall as well.
Before the weekend started, we headed to our town’s park for a movie night, with a giant projector.
We wanted to get there early to get good seats, so we brought magazines to read while we waited for the show to begin. Him: Men’s Health. Her: Southern Living. Whiskey: Squirrel Watching.
After avoiding the popcorn truck all summer during Music in the Park, we gave in and split a small bag of warm caramel popcorn. Whiskey even got a few of the softer pieces.
The movie was E.T. which I hadn’t seen in years and Garrett had never seen. I forgot how good it is. And quite scary for little kids, but many of them were running around the park most of the time, so they hardly even noticed. Hope we can do this again next year!
Friday night we headed up to our friends’ cottage for a couple of days. Usually there is a whole bunch of us up there, but this time it was just the two couples.
With it being so much quieter, I noticed lots of wildlife around us, like this MASSIVE green frog. Whiskey almost stepped right on top of him before he jumped back into the lake.
Courtney even had a lovely little visitor on her shoulder that was trying to camouflage with her shirt.
But this bug was our biggest find and was probably the grossest too. At first it looked like some kind of a wasp/grasshopper hybrid.
After some searching on a smartphone, we found out that it was actually a queen wasp looking for a spot for a new nest. Unfortunately we had to kill her before she made a nest, because she was setting one right up beside the house. Not a good idea with people around.
While walking around the property with the dogs, I found an entire patch covered in acorns! I gathered up as many nice ones as I could for Fall crafts.
The meals up at the cottage were awesome. I have a great recipe for a simple frittata to share with you later this week.
There was lots of cuddling with the pooch, who was extra good this weekend about not wandering away. Maybe he’s just getting used to it? Or maybe it was just a fluke.
As much as he loves wandering around their property, his favourite activity involves his lifejacket. The second you put it on him, he starts trotting towards the boat.
Lots of waterskieers and kayakers were out enjoying the last big weekend of the summer.
Then we came along this random tall tree. It’s actually an antennae! They tried their best to camouflage it as a tree, but it looks a little out of place.
As we turned into the big part of the lake, we saw that the moon had lit up the entire lake. It was like daylight. It looked absolutely gigantic to the naked eye, but the camera doesn’t catch it.
Now it’s back to work for me and back to school for many of you with kiddos. I already saw the school buses lining up this morning.
Looks like fun! Love the pup shots! Looking forward to the yummy fall recipes I know you will be making. Have a great day,Mel