This weekend I really started to get into the Christmas spirit. I finished decorating the house (still have to put the boxes away!), almost finished all the Christmas cards to mail out, started all my wrapping, and even fit in some (online) shopping. I usually prefer shopping in actual stores, but I have to admit that there is something appealing about not having to get out of your PJs and fight crowds.

On Friday night, we went over to our friends for dinner and then out for a walk to see their town’s holiday light displays.

Every tree in the park was covered in lights, and the centerpiece was this metal frame, with giant decorated trees and a vintage sleigh, which had kids scrambling to hop inside and pretend they were on a “one horse open sleigh”. (I probably would have done the same if they hadn’t already been on there).

The skating rink just opened for the season, and dozens of people were taking advantage of the perfect skating weather – mild temperature, no wind and no snow to shovel!

After awhile we decided to walk up and down the main street, and check out all the window displays.

The stores weren’t open, but they were kind enough to leave the lights on for window gawkers like us.

After a nice long walk, we headed back to their house to open a bottle of wine and catch up…and of course play with their sweet little kitty. (Until Whiskey chased her up the stairs. Doesn’t she know he just wants to play).
Today I got up early to make icing for cookie decorating at a kids party this afternoon, and then I’ll be taking photos of kids with Santa. Fingers crossed that none of them have a complete meltdown when they see the man in red.
Sounds like such a nice relaxing Christmas-y night. Enjoy those nights!
Nice blog entry! 🙂 I’m a main street business (Poochini’s Barkery) and I wanted to tell you how I appreciate your kind words and support… I will say it is a shame that main street doesn’t stay open late for holiday shopping… I have always tried to have very flexible hours and stay open till 9 during the holidays 7 days a week…
Thanks Lea! I’ll have to come back and catch your store before the holidays. I’m sure that Whiskey would be happy to find some treats from there in his stocking on Christmas morning 🙂
Very nice pictures. Thanks for posting them. The centerpiece looks like part of the old Santa’s set up from the mall a few years back. All in all, very very pretty! Are they not doing the sponsored lights and CD tree in fairy lake anymore? I lived in Newmarket for many years, parents still do. I miss it! Small town feel, big town conveniences 🙂
Funny enough, I’d thought it looked like the old mall Santa display too, but I wasn’t certain. I’m glad you caught it too!
It looks like this year they didn’t do the sponsored lights like they have in the past, but have done the trees through the River Commons. There is supposed to still be a Tim Horton’s train that drives through, but we didn’t see it when we were there. I hope that they bring back the original displays because they were so much fun to walk around the lake a look at!