In Canada, the Victoria Day long weekend is the official kick-off of summer. It may not be warm enough to really say its summer yet, but this is the beginning of it all…and I can’t wait. We’ve got a fun weekend planned, including lots of much needed down time.
We’re going to hit up the farmers market tomorrow morning for some fresh produce and maybe even grab breakfast at the park while we’re there.
Then it’s back to the apartment to plant up the rest of our container garden this year. I love how it makes our little porch feel like home.
Then it’s off to my parents’ place on Sunday for a little R&R on their back porch with the family.
All my mom asked for for Mother’s Day was to have all of us help her dig up her garden this year, but unfortunately we had snow and hail last weekend, so we postponed it to this weekend.
Monday’s plan…is to have nothing planned. Just relaxing at home. Tinkering around with projects at the house. And most definitely have an afternoon nap with Whiskey.
A PC version has also been suggested as a possibility.
The licensed Practical Nurses check the vital signs for the patients, help them
with the medicines and also give them the injections,
they also perform some simple laboratory tests and supervise the Nursing Assistants.
Average hourly salary rates offered to pharmacy assistants
range from $9.