A couple of weeks ago I was cleaning out the fridge and I found a big container of plain greek yogurt that hadn’t been opened yet…and it expired the next day. At first I was bummed, because there was no way that I could eat a whole tub of greek yogurt in the next 24 hours.
Then I remembered seeing something before about freezing yogurt into drops that you can use later on for snacks and smoothies. Lightbulb!
I like to buy greek yogurt plain, then I can use it for both sweet dishes and savoury ones.
To make these drops have a little flavour, I poured in some honey and a few dashes to vanilla extract. I lined a cup with a plastic baggie and then added all the ingredients in there as I went. This kept the bag from falling over while I filled it.
I sealed the bag and then massaged it in my hands to combine all the ingredients.
I used the baggie like an icing piping bag, snipping a hole in the corner and then squeezing out the yogurt.
I made it into drops on a wax paper lined baking sheet, using a circular motion.
With one tub of greek yogurt, I was able to fill two baking sheets with cute little drops!
I placed them in the freezer on a flat surface to flash freezer them. Keep them in there for a minimum of 4 hours, or until they’re solid.
Once they were frozen, I pulled them out of the freezer, so I could transfer them to a sealable container.
Of course, I had to have a small handful for quality testing purposes. Yummy! Although they definitely start to melt in your hands quickly.
I placed the frozen greek yogurt drops in a freezer bag and then popped them back into the yogurt container they were in before. I’m using this to store them in the freezer, making it easier to see them and grab the container when I want some as a snack or to add to my smoothies.
These yogurt drops ended up being the perfect solution for my morning smoothies. I could add them into my blender mixer cup, along with fresh strawberries, water and protein powder.
Give it a whirl and I’m done! I take one of these with me on the way to work almost every day. The frozen texture also helps to give it more of a slushie texture (which I love…especially in the summer months).
Hi there –
Popped over from Erin’s site, Make something good today. I’ve been following her for a couple of years now and have seen your name. Congratulations on your marriage! Sounds like you are having a wonderful honeymoon.
This idea is fabulous! So easy and what a great quick snack. Thanks!