Fri-yay! Even though it was a short work week for me, it feels like it’s taken forever to get to the weekend. I started off the week with a nasty sinus infection. Just when my foot was starting to feel better, now my head is in a vice. I haven’t sleep much all week and I’ve felt like I’m mid-sneeze for the past 24 hours. Here’s hoping that some rest and downtime this weekend will help get me back on the right track. I’m so ready to feel better again, to get outside (as soon as the ice/snow melts) and get active!
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Kindness of Others: I generally like to think of myself as a positive person, but when so many things get thrown at you at once it’s hard not to get down sometimes. It seems like every time I’ve felt down lately, an unexpected surprise has shown up. Whether it’s a text from a friend, colourful flowers from co-workers, a visit from family, a kind comment from you lovely readers (which I always love to read!!) or even a stranger offering to take my shopping cart back up to the storefront.
I feel so incredibly lucky to have people near and dear to me that step in and show me kindness when I need it most….and often when I don’t even realize that I need it. I just hope that when their time of need comes, I can be there too and give back the comfort and kindness they’ve shown me.
Goodbye Target: One of the few trips that I made the past two weeks was to Target. Their stores are closing in Canada and it’s going to be so sad to see them go! I always loved popping in there to see what was new and although I can do that whenever I visit the US, it’s not the same as having it right in town. I grabbed a few things for my home office, which I’ve been updating. I picked up some cute bowls (for holding USB drives and paperclips) and a big glass vase for holding flowers (fake ones for now). I’ll share the rest of my little office makeover in the coming weeks as I pull everything together. It’s exciting to make a change
Antique Family Scrapbook: On the hunt for a picture last weekend, my mom came across one of my great grandmother’s scrapbooks. It was full of cards, newspaper clippings and old photos. The inside cover has every important date jotted down – when family members were born, when they died, where they moved, etc. I pictured her sitting down to take the time to put all those little pieces of history into this book.
There was even something in there from me when I was young enough for my mom to do the writing. Such a budding artist, right?
Some of the newspaper clippings were for famous events (JFK and MLK assassinations, Justin Trudeau being born), local news (a new grocery store opened up!) and a few about family as well. Her sister, my Great Great Aunt Betty, was a buyer for Holt Renfrew (the largest high-end Canadian department store), and was often featured in the paper. She was impeccably dressed and wore Chanel and Dior. I’ll have to share more stories about her someday.
There is even a picture of my mother when she was just one day old. This looks exactly like my sister’s baby picture.
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I’m hoping that you get some rest and relaxation this weekend as well!
That antique scrapbook is quite impressive! I like scrap-booking myself so that is definitely an inspiration. (I love the Small Home Big Start business cards!)
I’m so sad your target is closing!
Isn’t it awful? I wish they’d been able to make it work out 🙁