I love creating handmade goodies for my family and friends. All that time and love that I put into making that gift, I hope gets passed onto the recipient. When our friends Jen and Christian were over for dinner last week with their sweet little baby, I gave them one of my latest projects I’ve been working on – pacifier clips!

What you’ll need:
- 15 x 2-1/2″ rectangle of cotton fabric
- 14-1/2 x 1″ rectangle of interfacing
- 1″ x 1″ square of velcro
- suspender/mitten clips

Fold over a 1/4″ hem around all four sides of the fabric and iron in place.

You should have a long rectangle that is about 15″ by 2″ now.

Fold the strip in half and press down with the iron.

Sandwich the interfacing between the fabric and fold the hem back down.

Now you have a stiffer strip of cotton fabric.

That’s it!

love this clip, if our granddaughter has a pacifier (choochieman) I will make some, thanks Amanda