Happy Friday! I hope you’ve been having a really great week and you’ve gotten a chance to get out and enjoy the sunshine. I’m heading out for a walk on my lunch break today and I’ve been looking forward to it all morning. It’s just the recharge that I need to tackle a Friday afternoon.
We’ve got three weeks left before we move to the farmhouse and still about 60% of the apartment to pack up. Of course these just happen to be busy weeks for us too. I looked at the calendar and I really only have about four of those days that I can pack and just a couple of evenings that are free. Our apartment is barely 450 sq ft, but it feels like packing is so much harder when you still have to live around those boxes. We’ve already got quite the mountain forming in the living room, and I’m sure it will be packed in even more by the end of the weekend. But each boxes means we’re just one step closer.
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Visiting the Farmhouse: We went back this week to take pictures and more measurements. I went with a list of like ten things that I had to specifically measure such as drapes, dishwasher (!!), washer & dryer (!!!) and some fun projects. I walked away with just two of them. Why, might you ask?

Because I pretty much spent the whole time we were there daydreaming about what we were going to do in each room, where the morning light was going to stream in, where our Christmas tree could go – you know, really time sensitive, crucial things. So now I need to book an appointment with my realtor and go back (I promise to stay focused, as much as one can when they are just dying to move)

We took the dogs with us, and ended up letting them out for a quick run in the backyard. They were in heaven, running full speed with their tongues hanging out. I guess I left the back door open a crack, because before I knew it they’d gotten inside and were going nuts in there too. I’m happy to have more space and lots of natural light…they’re happy to have carpet. They just ran circles around the first floor, and then raced up to the second floor. Which is when I realized that you can hear their tappy little toenails going up and down the hallway. Now I know how our downstairs neighbours must feel. Oops.

Good Weekends: I’ve come to realize what makes up a good weekend for me. It needs to have a good balance of time with family (mom made pie!), time with friends (we met up with some city friends at another escape game – love it!), time together alone (drive-in date), at least one good workout and some productivity (namely packing right now). When all five things are met, it feels like we’ve gotten the most out of those precious two days.

Back when my trunk looked normal in 2012.
Why My Car is a Storage Unit: Waaay back in May 2012 we had a week of no power in the apartment for 8 days. As an apology, our landlords gave us a storage unit in the basement for 3 months. At the end of this trial period, we opted to not renew it (and save almost $400 a year) and store our larger pieces in the storage shed at Garrett’s parents’ place. Suddenly we didn’t have anywhere at the apartment to store those little things. Like books to donate, extra bottles of washer fluid, random stuff that we don’t know what to do with yet. So inevitably that stuff got thrown in our trunks and forgotten. Every once and awhile I’ll go through and clean mine out, but it’s been getting bad lately. In just one week, I will have been officially carrying our boxed up wedding cake stand in my trunk for one year (I keep hoping we’ll sell it!). Oh boy. This is why all our family calls our cars the storage units, because they really have been for the last few years. The good news is, we’ll be able to empty it all out in about three weeks. Here’s to being able to put groceries in the trunk again. Yay! It’s the little things that make me happy, ha.
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I hope that whatever your weekend brings you, you’re able to find some balance and of course some sunshine too!
So excited for you guys to move into the farmhouse! Can’t wait to see all the beautiful pictures and the projects you’ll be sharing.
Very nice post! I understand why your car was used as storage unit! I was in a similar situation! Thanks for sharing! 🙂