I love Fall.
Digging big old sweaters out of the back the closet.
The cool bite in the air on brisk walks.
Trees changing colour seemingly overnight.
This is the view I got out my bedroom window this morning:
Last week this tree went from a mild mannered Maple to an inferno.
I could take a million pictures of trees changing colours.

Over the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend my sister and I went for a walk with the dogs through a forest in our hometown. The leaves had only started to change, but every time we came across a tree that was transforming, I was awe struck.

Winter may have its icy hold on us Northerners for a good 5-6 months of the year, but from that bitter cold slumber emerges the growth and beauty of Spring. The warmth and lushness of Summer. And lastly the bountiful harvest and fiery foliage of Autumn.
Which is your favorite season?
I love fall. I love the fall colors. All of our trees are turning and I love driving and seeing the vibrant reds and yellows and purples. Of course, I don’t love raking them all…
I came over from Tasty Kitchen. Great start on your blog. I’ll be back to see what else you have to say!