When I first got Whiskey he didn’t know how to sit.

I’m not saying that he didn’t understand the command. – he literally did not know HOW to sit. He would either stand up, lay down or do this kind of crouch thing.
And when I would try to push his little bum down to show him how, his stick legs would lock up and his whole body would go rigid. After a week of gentle pushing, and encouraging, and a ridiculous about of Milkbones, he finally did it. It took one week, but that moment when he finally got it for the first time, he could have just solved an algebra equation, I was so proud.

And it was like he had an epiphany. Sudden he was sitting all the time on his own. Patiently by the door, on alert in the car and most awkwardly behind my legs in the kitchen (not the safest spot when I’m whipping around cooking).

Since then he has perfected the stoic “sit-and-glare” look. I could stare at him forever when he is doing it, until he winks or sneezes (he does both a lot), and then I’m gone. I have to grab him to cuddle him up, or take him for a walk around the block. Its just too much cuteness for one girl to take.

Have you ever had a big groundbreaking moment with your dog? Any suggestions on how to get him to lay down on command? (Still working on that one…)
I absolutely LOVE your pup!! I have 2 miniature pinchers and they like to huddle and shake – similar to Chihuahuas – instead of sit. So I feel your pain!
~Working Mommy
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awwwww, that is just too CUTE! 🙂
Found my way here through SITS – very pretty blog you have here!
Our dog, Maya, who is going on 7 still sometimes lays down when I say sit. And while in the back of the station wagon I’ll show her the hand signal for sit before I open the door at the park and if she’s really excited she’ll actually look away and ignore me! She cracks me up!
As for teaching him to lay down – have you tired putting him in a sit/stay – then hold a treat in front of him and slowly lower it to the ground – as he follows the treat he may go into a laying position – if he does says say “down” or whatever command you want to use.
At least, that’s how I taught Maya 🙂