Whiskey and I were up visiting my parents this weekend, so as usual he and Shadow had to run around the house like lunatics for a couple of hours and then by the next morning this is what I happened upon…

Whiskey was so wiped that he just lay there while I took the photo. Didn’t even give me one of his usual get-the-camera-out-of-my-face looks. This is what happens when an 11.5lb mutt tries to keep up with a monstorous doberman.

But Shadow was happy to have the break too. Her crazy flipped up ear always cracks me up. It was an accident that happened before we got her, but I can’t picture her without it now. We actually use it to test her mood…half-mast usually means she is pretty relaxed.
It will be interesting to see how these two react to all the Christmas commotion. Already Shadow has shown that she has a fondness for chewing the pom-poms on Santa hats and running off with glass Christmas balls in her mouth (with people running behind her to try to catch up). What will she think of all those big boxes with fun crinkley paper on them? Oh no…
So sweet! I have one dog who is a big ol’ sun goddess, she’ll find it anywhere. The other could care less!
They are adorable.
Thanks for stopping my blog. I’m digging yours too!
Alex aka Ma What’s For Dinner?
I love the ear upside down!!
Moo crashed for the day after a trip to Petsmart! Apparently getting your picture with Santa Paws can really tucker a dog out…lol
Whiskey is handsome as all heck!