As my vacation comes to an end, I know that I’m going to start going into withdrawl…for turkey sandwiches, sleeping in, watching movies, eating way too much junk food and using all my mushy brain power to kick butt in Scattegories. The thought of actually having to attend work meetings and maintain intellectual conversations is just too far beyond my mental capacity right now.
But as things start to wind down, I realize that what I’m going to miss the most is hanging out with my little brother and sister. Between work, school and university we are all over the place, so its rare that everyone is home together.
We’re all four years apart so just as one of us left for kindergarten the next one was born, leading us all to believe that we were only children. And this meant that we all became independent thinkers, which of course leads to a lot of conflict, but at the root of it we all love each other and have a great time together. No one can make you laugh (or cry for that matter) like your siblings can. Someone once told me that the people you know the longest in your life are your siblings. And when you think about it, its true. They have known you since you were just a wee little thing, long before friends and significant others came around and they’ll be there even after your parents have passed away. So even as we are having a heated argument about who should take the garbage out or fighting over the last piece cherry cheesecake, I know that we’re really lucky to have each other.
(Ask me that question again when I go in the kitchen and find out that they DID eat the last piece of the cherry cheesecake…)
Since I’ve moved back home with my fam, I’ve had the chance to spend a lot of time with my youngest brother (he’s 8 yrs younger). Because there’s such a gap in our ages it’s nice to finally get to now him a little better. So, basically, although it sucks to be under mom’s roof again it sure is nice to spend time with the bro!
Ugh, I ramble.
I am an only child and sometimes wish I had siblings…alas…none. Hopefully the babe won’t be an only child as well!