This weekend may have been cold and rainy, but we still found ways to have plenty of fun. On Saturday afternoon, the whole family bundled up and drove over to my aunt and uncle’s cottage for a good ol’ corn roast.
My brother commandeered my camera on the way over and took some photos (most of them of trucks that we drove past….oh the woes of a 16 year old boy with a driver’s license burning a hole in his pocket). He did manage to get this telling shot of me driving thr truck, while my sister searched for a decent radio station.
The second we arrived at my aunt and uncle’s cottage we could smell the fire around back, all set up for the corn roast.
Siblings, all bundled up, looking forward to a delicious dinner and enjoying one of the last nights of summer.

There was a great mix of friends, family and neighbours. Despite the weather, everyone seemed to be having a great time catching up.
My uncle even pulled up the old 1955 Chevy Pickup that we sold to him a few years back. This truck actually brings back one of my favorite memories. The whole family did a big roadtrip down to Dallas, Texas to pick it up and then brought it back up Route 66. If it hadn’t been such a pain to drive, we might have kept it. Now my uncle gets to enjoy driving around the cottage with it, and we still get to visit our old babe every once and a while.
My mom and uncle. These two are the number one reason why all of us cousins are so close. I just hope that I’m still this close with my brother and sister when I’m older, but I can’t imagine not having them around all the time.
As nice as the other two photos were, this is a much more realistic photo – mom laughing after my uncle has cracked some joke.
There was also a local group on hand to play some great acoustic country music. It was perfect for the mood of the evening.
But of course the highlight of the evening was getting some fresh local corn. The kids at the party really got into stacking it up into bright gold pyramids.
The weather didn’t stop all the kids from getting in plenty of play around the yard. There were pick up games of basketball (for old and young alike) all night.
This adorable puppy made an appearance too, much to the delight and squeals of every little girl there.
Her fur was incredibly soft. I wanted to just cuddle up with her and have a nap, but she was squirming beyond belief!
My sister and I spent time with my dear friend (and cousin of a cousin) Emma. Years ago we all were on the same synchronized swimming team. Somewhere there are pictures of us wearing matching bathing suits and holding umbrellas for our “Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head” number. Seriously.
And the just as crazy sister. I’m going to miss her when she’s goes back to university this week.
It seems that summer has come and gone. Back to school. Back to work. But its memories like this night that you’ll keep. (Although the same won’t be said of my tan!)
This looks like the perfect way to spent the labour day weekend! Boy do I love corn haha.
I’m so happy the weather is finally cooling down and can do things like this now!