Last night I went to back-to-back BodyPump and Yoga classes, which felt great at the time, but by the time I got home I was feeling a little queasy. When bedtime came around, I had full-on nausea and ended up laying in bed most of the night trying to stay still. Thankfully today I was scheduled to work from home, so I didn’t need to make any arrangements not to come into the office.
I’ve had no energy to do any work, make any food or even wash dishes. I got to the point where there was only one solution – lay on the couch, with a glass of ginger ale on one side and a cute puppy sleeping on the other side. After aimlessly flipping channels for half an hour (how horrible is daytime television?), I ended up looking on Netflix. Thats when I came across this movie:

Yep, thats right, I spent my afternoon watching a kid’s movie. I have to admit that I was attracted to this because I have a minor in Classics and studied Ancient Greece and Rome. The stories of the Greek Gods are some of my favorites and I was intrigued to see how they handled it in this movie. Surprisingly, I actually really enjoyed it! There was plenty of adventure and mystery, which just the right amount of Ancient Greek mythology thrown into the mix.
I finally shaped around about an hour ago to have a shower, make some food and set up the next movie:

I love all four actors and have been waiting to see this for awhile. As anyone else seen it, or heard if it is good?