I really try not to jump quickly from one holiday to another, but this year I can’t help it. The Halloween decorations are not even down yet and I’m already planning what I want to do for Christmas. I catch myself being drawn to Christmas ideas on Pinterest and looking up previous years’ posts on my favourite blogs. I’ve even been browsing through the local hardware store’s Christmas lights section. Its taking all the restraint I have to wait another few weeks to decorate.
I think that part of it has to do with having a new place. I’m itching to do things this year in a whole new way and play around with the layout of the new apartment. This is our first Christmas living together and I want to be a good one 🙂
It would look great if we did something like this, with big red bows on all of the wreaths. Our porch light is looking a little shabby right now too and a new coat of black paint with a big red bow would spruce it up for the season.
Along the railing up to our porch, a garland would be lovely. Perfectly white snow is optional, but appreciated.
Even if we just added lights, it would make a big improvement. I just have to find an outside plug, or even battery operated lights.

For inside the apartment, I’m still planning on using most of the decorations that I have on hand from the old place, like the new tree that I bought last year and the big wreath, but there are a few new decorations that I’d like to make.
I’d also love to make a mistletoe like this one. I have an older plastic one, but this is just too adorable to pass up.
Another quick and easy project are these candles nestled in “Snow” (aka Epsom Salt).
If I could find cinnamon sticks on sale somewhere, I would for sure do this, but normally it’s too expensive. Maybe twigs?
I figure I have the next two weeks to get it all sorted and then its time to start crafting…and I can hardly wait! Pintrest, here I come!