Is there anything more infuriating than trying to open one of those space age ultra sealed packages that all toys and electronics seem to be sold in now (with no scissors to be found)? Or opening a new gift to find that it needs 2 AA batteries that conveniently were not included by the manufacturer? What about going to take photos of your loved ones opening their gifts on Christmas morning only to find that your camera is dead or the card is full?

Here is what I put into our Christmas Morning Survival Kit basket:
- Batteries of various sizes (AA, AAA and D-cell batteries for toys, audio equipment, etc)
- Garbage Bags (for collecting garbage and recycling)
- Clear Adhesive Tape
- Camera (with an extra charged battery and memory card)
- Scissors
- Needle-Nose Pilers
- Box Cutter
- Screwdrivers (flat and phillips)
- Matches (for candles and the fireplace)

Want to make Christmas morning even easier? Try making my family’s favourite strata (from the movie The Family Stone) the night before so you can pop it in the oven when you wake up. Set out a bowl of fruit and load up the coffee maker so you’re ready to go!
Check out the Holiday Recipes in my Holiday Guide for more Christmas Morning Brunch ideas.
This is a great idea!! Thanks for putting this list together, I will definitely by using this!