Happy Friday! This week has turned out to be a pretty busy one because we have some exciting news. We’re in the middle of house hunting for our first home! It’s something we’ve talked about for a long time and have finally felt ready to take the leap! It’s both exciting and nerve wracking. I’ve got butterflies in my stomach and my dreams have been kind of crazy lately, but the whole thing is really fun too. Funny enough, before we even knew we’d start looking at houses, our friends offered us tickets to go with them to the National Home Show. It was a great chance to see what the trends are right now, what options are out there and see my favourite part – the garden displays. I thought it would be the perfect start to this whole house hunting thing, if I shared some of my favourite finds from the show.
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As you can imagine, our weekend will be filled with more fun house hunting. It feels like we’re just at the beginning of a really grand adventure…
So excited for you guys! Looking forward to the updates 🙂