Last night Whiskey and I took the bus to visit my family for the Civic Weekend
(It’s a long weekend here in Canada! Woohoo!)
(It’s a long weekend here in Canada! Woohoo!)
I settled in on the bus with my book, half my turkey sandwich from lunch with my beloved Diet Coke, while Whiskey bunkered down in his carrier.
When we got to the bus station, my lovely sister was there to pick us up! Whiskey went crazy when he saw her. I was excited too, but I can contain myself a wee bit better.
Whiskey was greeted by an equally enthusiastic Shadow when we made it home. She loves her little buddy oh so much.
When we came in the house, Whiskey started running around the house trying to find everyone.
Sorry buddy, but they’re away on vacation until tomorrow. It’s just you and me.
Oh, and Shadow too.
Then I laced up my sneakers and went for a quick run through a nearby park. It was cool and crisp outside – just how I like it for a good run. It was weird running in my old shoes that I’ve left at my parents’ place. They used to fit like a glove, but now I’m not used to them.
When I got back, I heated up some homemade beef stew leftover in the fridge. It’s always fun to see what leftovers are at my parents. I’m always raiding their fridge when I get there!
I even shared a bit with the pooches in their dinner bowls because they were so good.
Just a lovely evening in with a couple of big goofs 🙂
Hope you’re having a great weekend!
What fun pics!! Mmm homemade beef stew sounds so good right now!