With all the wedding projects going on, we’ve been kind of neglecting one of the really fun parts – planning our honeymoon! We’ve known for a long time that we wanted to take a big roadtrip through the Southern US and what better time to visit than in the spring before the weather gets too hot. After our awesome trip to Salem, Massachusetts in the fall, we’ve been itching to get back out on the open road.
My blog friend and soul sister Erin Napier from Laurel, Mississippi has been a HUGE help, sending us tons of links on places to go and stops we didn’t even think of. Now I’d love to get some recommendations from you! If you’ve been to any of these places, or know of some good stops along the way, please leave them in the comments below or email me.
New Orleans, Louisiana
St. Augustine, Florida
Savannah, Georgia
Charleston, South Carolina
Along the way we’ll be making lots of stops to places like Greenville, South Carolina to visit some of Garrett’s family, Laurel, Mississippi to thank Erin in person for all her help and and even a night in the beautiful Wakulla Springs Lodge, Florida for a chance to see some alligators up close. It’s going to be an action packed 16 days and we can’t wait!
Fun! Here are a few blogs to check out…
Amanda at Dixie Delights (she lives currently in Atlanta, but grew up in Savannah and has a Savannah section).
Ron at Uptown Acorn (lived in Atlanta, but is from New Orleans and lives there currently…features great posts on eateries and such).
Chassity of Look Linger Love (Charleston…she is a who’s who…know everything and everyone).
All are super sweet and would answer any questions you might have!!
That’s awesome. Thanks Lauren! I’ll definitely be checking these out.
So excited for you to come down and see our part of the world! I know I already mentioned a couple of places in Georgia and obviously down in St. Augustine make sure to go to the Fountain of Youth. It’ll make you feel much younger. 🙂 It’s getting pretty toasty down here, high 80s to low 90s and very humid, so I recommend shorts/capris and breathable tops. I know you’re running too short on time now to read books/plays based in the South (Gone With the Wind, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, A Streetcar Named Desire) but the movie adaptions of all of those are pretty good as well. I always thought it would be fun to watch a movie based wherever I was visiting that night. Just a thought! Enjoy your last few days of singledom!