Each season we’re experiencing here at Cloverhill brings it’s own surprises. We’ve seen it change in spring, then summer and now we’re in the middle of our very first fall. The big silver maple tree out front has turned a beautiful golden colour and you can see the leaves in some of the windows in the house. I love catching a glimpse of them when I wake up in the morning or while I’m cooking dinner in the evening.
We only saw the house in the winter before we bought it, so we never imagined how incredibly beautiful it could be in autumn.
The surrounding hills are covered in trees of orange, rust and gold.
The cornfield across from us was just chopped down last week and now we can see the field rows all along the hills.
Even the soybean field behind our house turned into a sea of gold.
They harvested the crop over Thanksgiving weekend, but I got to take a peek at the beans before they were gone. Next year it could be corn here instead.
Right beside the farmer’s crop is our stretch of field. The red clover we planted in the spring is still thriving in some areas.
The farmer has kindly offered to plow up our part of the field so that we can plant our clover again next year and let it take root sooner.
In amongst the clover seed, we sprinkled random wildflower mix and the results have been pretty cool. These cosmos showed up, which are a flower that always reminds me on my poppa and the ones he had planted in his front garden.
I have no idea what this yellow flower is, but they’re scattered throughout the field.
I caught this picture just minutes after a quick fall rainstorm came through.
The teasels from the summer have dried up and we were able to use them in the pumpkin arrangements last weekend.
We have an old wire fence row along one side of our property and the vines on it have turned a beautiful rainbow of reds and oranges.
Even the climbing vines we planted along the chicken coop have flourished in the last month. They provide great dappled light for the chickens, and they love to eat the vines that come through the wire.
Speaking of the chickens, they’re pretty much full grown now but we’ve yet to see an egg.
I’ve put decoy eggs (golf balls) in the nesting boxes in hopes of encouraging them to lay soon.
Henry (formerly Henrietta), our beloved rooster has taken to cock-a-doodle-dooing in the morning as we come out to bring them breakfast. He’s still the friendliest of all the chickens and will come to you for a little scratch on his back.
Over the weekend, we got some great weather and they took advantage of a little nap in the sun. We’ll be insulating their coop soon to keep them warm and cozy in the winter months. In the meantime, we’re all enjoying this colourful season while it lasts.
Fall up on the countryside is absolutely stunning. And the house looks so beautiful, especially all decked out for the season!
Btw, love the new profile pic!
Your home looks so lovely! Hoping you get some eggs soon!